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Product Details

Ever noticed how perfect and full all the celebrities eyebrows are? Most of them use Microblading to get those perfect results!

So just what is Microblading? Microblading uses a blade formed from small needles as well as an ink to draw on individual eyebrow lashes one at a time just below skin similar to a tattoo but much more precise.

Microblading also gives you ever natural looking results unlike tattooed lashes. This natural result can really help people who have very thin eyebrows and want to have nice, full, natural looking eyebrows.

Microblading also makes it easier to maintain your eyerbrows allowing you to easily see what hairs to pluck or wax off and what hairs to leave when looking closely.

Unlike tattooed eyebrows however, these do not have that "sharpie" look over time and tend to keep a much sharper appearance.

Tattooed eyebrows tend to get "fuzzy" and do not have quiet the same crisp look that Microblading achieves.

If you are tired of having eyebrows that just are not full, always having to be colored in, then Microblading is for you!

Microblading is the BEST eyebrow enhancement procedure out today

Additional Information

NO REFUNDS. Packages expire 6 months from purchase.

Includes touch up.

Must be 18 or over.

Should not be done while pregnant.

For medical questions please consult your physician.

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