Fraud Blocker Electrik Image Spa - Laser Hair Removal FAQ - Detroit & Toledo
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What areas can laser hair removal treat?

Our Icon™ technology can remove hair from almost anywhere on the body including faces, backs, chests, arms, underarms, bikini, and legs.


Am I a good candidate for this hair removal?

Icon™ can be safely used on all skin types from very light skin to very dark skin. It is most effective for individuals with dark hair. Candidates with very light or gray hair are not ideal. However, we will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure based on a variety of factors during your consultation.


Can this technology get rid of all of my unwanted hair?

Hair follicles are continually cycling through three phases: anagen or growth phase, catagen or transitional phase, and telogen or resting phase. Hair is most susceptible to this treatment while in the anagen phase. Because of this timing, it’s not possible for any laser treatment to achieve 100% hair removal, but it is possible to significantly reduce the number of growing hairs by as much as 85%. Multiple treatments can be administered for maximum results.


Is hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal is permanent. After treatment, the hair follicles within the anagen phase that were damaged are permanently unable to produce new hairs or can produce only very thin, tiny hairs that are virtually invisible.


What will the treatment feel like?

Most people feel only a slight momentary “snap” like a rubber band at the treatment site during the procedure. 32


How many treatments will I need?

Since your hair grows in 3 stages, several treatments are needed to affect all of the unwanted hair. The number of treatments can vary between individuals, depending on the amount of hair, the area to be treated, skin color, hair color, and hair coarseness. Typically 4 – 6 treatments are needed but this will depend on a number of factors including your type of hair. One of our providers can give you a more specific treatment plan during your consultation.


How far apart are treatment sessions?

It depends on which area is being treated. In general, face, underarms, arms, and bikini are about 4-6 weeks apart. Back, chest and legs are about 8-10 weeks apart.


How does it work?

The device emits powerful light energy that targets and heats hair follicles. After the treatment, the follicles are damaged and permanently unable to produce new hairs, or can produce only very thin, tiny hairs that are virtually invisible.


Can I shave in between sessions?

Yes. In fact, the area needs to be freshly shaved before your treatment session. You may shave the area the day before the treatment or the day of the treatment before coming in for your session. You should not wax or pluck the hairs between treatments.


How quickly will I recover?

You can resume regular daily activities immediately following treatment.


Are there any side effects?

Typically, most people experience a mild, sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor redness and/or swelling immediately following the treatment. This usually lasts 2-24 hours. Ask your provider to discuss other possible side effects and the necessary post-treatment care with you.

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